What would an episode of MTV’s The Challenge: Free Agents be without a bit of booze and a bit of sexual escapades? “The Thumbsucker” started out with Cohutta and Nany getting “engaged” with a bachelor and bachelorette party breaking out. As expected, Jasmine, the self-proclaimed whore of the house, dressed in a school girl outfit and was pole dancing on top of the kitchen counter.
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I’m sure you noticed the fuzzing out by the editing crew of Jasmine’s “goods”. Damn girl, have you no shame letting your cooch hang out? Aside from that, I’ll admit that she had some pretty good moves on the pole. As the guys were going crazy for their entertainment, the girls busted in on them and were told to go have their bachelorette party. None of them seemed to mind when Johnny decided he would be the “entertainment”. Johnny proceeded to strip down to just his boxers and really gave Nany a professional quality lap dance. Dude looked like he’s been doing this for years. After he pulled down his boxers and mooned her, he got down in front of her and proceeded to get a dirty and was making out with her. I give you credit Johnny, that took some balls bro.
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Courtesy MTV.com
When we get back from the first commercial, Frank is on the phone with his mom and he’s crying. We find out that he’s been pretty sick and just had some x-rays done on his lungs and they’re not good. He asks his mom for advice about staying or going home and he decides to stay.
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When everyone meets up for the group challenge TJ makes this opening statement, “We have a serious problem at the house”. No one has any idea what he’s talking about, but I had a hunch…and I was right. The Challenge doctors who examined Frank deemed that he had a viral infection and that he was highly contagious. Frank was sent home on the spot…crying of course.
The challenge game was called “Bar Crawl”. Teams of 4 are selected to make their way across a wall that is suspended above water. Two players are on each side of the wall, and they must stick two 2×4’s through little slats and make their way across the wall, to the other side. Fastest team with the most players getting across is safe. Slowest two teams go into the draw.
Teams were as follows w/ results (captain listed first)
Cara, CT, Aneesa, Swift – too slow, none made across
Brandon, Camilla, Jessica, Bananas, All 4 made it
LaToya, Cohutta, Nany, Preston – A 4 made it
Zach, Johnny, Devyn, Theresa – finished all 4
Jasmine, Jordan, Theresa – competed, could have not competed (jordan dropped 2×4)
Leroy, Issac, Laurel, Nia all 4 made it
Courtesy MTV.com
2 worst – Cara and Jasmine’s teams
Winners- Brandon, Camilla, Jessica, Bananas
The winning team voted unanimously for Johnny to go in to the elimination, and three votes for Nia going in.
Every episode they show a short one minute scene of some kind of nonsense that went on in the house that really didn’t have to do with anything at all, but this time the whole house creeps in on Laurel and Jordan getting it on in one of the rooms under the covers.
During “The Draw”, there were three guys and four cards due to Frank getting sent home. If none of the three guys picked the kill card, Johnny gets to stay in the house…and that’s exactly what happened. No one picked the kill card. As for the girls, Theresa, Joanna, and Aneesa picked successfully. Thus sending Cara Maria into the elimination.
Courtesy MTV.com
I didn’t hear TJ say the name of the game, but it was a type of tug-o-war. Each girl wore a harness and were tied to each other with a gigantic rope. At the horn, they needed to weave through two pylons and ring a bell on opposite sides of the arena. The first one to ring the bell wins. Going into this, Las Vegas had Nia’s odds at -1100. The girl talks a big game, loves to proclaim what kind of athlete she is, and all that. She easily outweighed Cara by 30 lbs and had 8 inches on her. After 80 minutes of digging in the sand and trying go move the other person, Cara channeled her inner Hulk Hogan/Ultimate Warrior and rose from the dead. She was literally lying dead in the sand and not moving, moaning and whimpering, and making absurd noises. She looked done. But I’ll give her credit. She somehow powered up out of the sand and got to that bell.
Being a rookie, Nia had a bit of a target on her and it got nailed right in the bull’s-eye. I’m glad to see her go and she brought nothing to the show.
Now on to the Fantasy Scoring for this week. For complete rules of how the scoring works, please click this link. Last week I missed a bunch of stuff, so please keep those suggestions/corrections coming my way.
@Rozzy2810 (Rozzy) 145 Points
Frank: +40 crying twice, +100 being sent home early ELIMINATED
Jasmine: +5 unintentional nudity
Devyn: 0
@EarlTSB (Earl) 50 points
Laurel: +25 having sex/pulling covers over w/ Jordan
Jordan: +25 having sex/pulling covers over w/ Jordan
Theresa: 0
Preston: 0
@NASCARKrissy (Krissy) 30 points
Aneesa: 0
Cohutta: +5 kissing Nany
Johnny: +20 intentional nudity/stripping, +5 kissing Nany
@e2winnn (Erwin) 20 Points
Brandon: +5 winning challenge
Cara Maria: +10 winning elimination challenge
Issac: 0
Jessica: +5 winning challenge
@HookTSB (Hook) 15 Points
Zack: 0
Camila: +5 winning challenge, +10 “I didn’t come here to make friends”
Jonna: 0
@BaggyDizzle (Hasib) 15 Points
Bananas: +5 winning challenge
Leroy: 0
Nany: +10 Kissing Cohutta & Johnny
Nia: -+10, didn’t come here to make friends, -10 losing Elimination, ELIMINATED
@Mlukes14 (Mike) 0 Points
CT: 0
Swift: 0
LaToya: 0
I try to get these out fast as I can, so like I said before, if there are any errors in scoring or if you have an opinion on how the episode was scored, please leave it in the box below.