I have never become so disgusted over a Mets team in my twenty-three years or so that I’ve been legitimately following them. First of all, the clown featured in the photo above needs to go ASAP. The team clearly doesn’t give a shit about anything he has to say and he has no clue how to run a baseball team, never has. He brought some positive vibes here in 2011 and temporarily changed the culture of the clubhouse but he’s done now. I don’t care who they replace him with because this season is fucked anyway.
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The real problem with this team stems from four guys who we were all led to believe were actually decent players and part of the future. They go by the names of Ike Davis, Lucas Duda, Jonathan Niese, and Dillon Gee. The four of these guys have been God awful and should all be demoted for the rest of their lives. Although I will give Niese a pass, if you have followed his career you would notice that he has been up and down in April and May and doesn’t really kick it into gear until June so let’s wait and see. Dillon Gee on the other hand is either pitching batting practice or crumbling once he gets past the sixth inning. You know you’re bad when Jeremy Hefner looks like a star next to you.
Ike Davis and Lucas Duda need to fucking go, enough with these guys. I don’t know what happened to Ike. He looked primed to be a star at the beginning of 2011 and now he looks like he can’t even be a ball boy He’s an automatic out and needs to buy a map of the strike zone because he clearly has no idea where it is or how close he should stand to it. Lucas Duda has never been a major leaguer and probably never will be. I gave him a shot last year, and another shot this year but I’ve seen enough. At best he should be putting on home run shows during batting practice so he doesn’t have to get a real job. He takes an ungodly amount of pitches for a guy who is supposed to drive in runs and when he does hit home runs they are always of the solo variety. Woo hoo! Get these guys off the team.
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I’m better than both of those guys and they hate me for it. Yolo!
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In the midst of all this awfulness, I see people repeatedly calling for Sandy Alderson’s head. Are people blind? All this garbage is still left over from the great Omar Minaya era. What exactly are we blaming Sandy for? Not spending $300 million to replace every player on the team with an elite free agent? My God, Sandy has actually brought in some half way decent guys this year. Brandon Lyon, Scott Rice, and Latroy Hawkins have all been decent out of the bullpen and even Greg Burke and Scott Atchison haven’t been completely terrible. You know who has been awful though? Rob Carson and Josh Edgin aka Omar’s guys! Shaun Marcum finally looked like Shaun Marcum tonight, so I expect better from him going forward plus the guy was rushed back after his injury in my opinion. John Buck has quickly regressed but he has already hit more home runs than every Mets catcher combined hit in the last three years (slight exaggeration). Even Marlon Byrd has had his moments, including a couple of game changing hits. But.. but… but guys, Omar Minaya drafted Matt Harvey so lets induct him into the Mets hall of fame and retire his blazer!
I put the “Duh” in Player Development.
So the Mets who I hilariously predicted would finish with a winning record this season (LOL ME) look destined for a one hundred loss season and honestly look completely incapable of winning another game anytime soon unless major changes are made.
See you in 2014!
Other Notes
The Knicks are not winning 3 in a row against the Pacers so I guess they’re only allowed to progress one step each year. 2011- made playoffs, 2012 – won one playoff game! 2013- won a playoff round 2014 – win two playoff rounds? Let’t not get too excited.
The Rangers will probably beat the Bruins though it most likely will go seven games because the Rangers are obsessed with seven game series.
Also hockey related, congratulations to Islanders fans on a great season. Sorry you couldn’t beat the Penguins led by the Lebron James of hockey (Crosby) but there’s always next year.
The bad man touched me!
Hope you enjoyed reading me channel my inner Bobby Ojeda. Until next time and screw the Mets.
Follow me on Twitter @JoePontillo
New Jersey! I’ll be at Banana’s Comedy Club in Hasbrouck Heights May 24-25. Let’s get freaky.