This week’s episode starts off during the aftermath of Hank and Walt’s showdown in Hank’s garage and what a way to start off “Buried”? Walt walks away from the garage and then turns around to have an epic stare down with Hank until the latter has enough and comedically closes the garage door with the remote. However, this episode isn’t about the both of them as much as it’s about the women of the show and their actions as a result of what happened last week. This week’s episode centers around Skyler, Marie, and even Lydia. Breaking Bad has long been a show that’s been male-centric but this week’s episode made sure to focus on the ladies.
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Who better to start with but the first lady of Breaking Bad herself? Skyler finds herself immediately thrust into the crux of the episode as soon as Walt frantically pulls out of Hank’s driveway and tries to call her to inform her of what just happened between him and Hank….only to find out that Hank has already beat him to the punch. Skyler drives to a diner to meet up with Hank to discuss Hank. Hank whispers a whole bunch of sweet nothings about how he feels sorry for Walt and wants to protect her and the kids but she realizes that all the words coming out of his mouth are sweet nothings once he puts the voice recorder down and asks Skyler for everything she knows. This is when Skyler has her “Aha!” moment. You can see the point during this scene where she’s thinking to herself “This guy doesn’t have shit on Walt.” As soon as Skyler realizes this, she throws a hissy fit about wanting a lawyer and whether she’s arrested or not. Hank juggles faces of “WTF” and “Bawl till I fall” simultaneously because he thought Skyler would be all aboard on taking Walt down but Skyler has dollar signs in her eyes.
But it’s not like Hank doesn’t have an ace in the hole in the form of Marie. Marie ends up knocking on the door at the White house while Skyler is trying to get in touch with Saul. Marie initially treats Skyler like she’s innocent of everything until she starts breaking things down aloud. When Skyler can only mumble in audible sounds while coming down with a case of the emo face, Marie decides to ask her what the 5 fingers said to the face. Yep, she straight bitch slaps the shit out of Skyler. Then goes on this straight guilt trip rant on her. Can you blame her? Every single bad thing that has happened to Hank and her (except for Marie’s kleptomania) has been because of Walt and the fact that Skyler has lied about Walt. ALSO, Marie tries to kidnap Holly until Hank puts a stop to that. Thank god because I couldn’t take Holly’s annoying ass crying for much longer. Later on in the episode, you figure out how much of a down ass bitch Skyler is when she tells Walter that Hank has nothing and all they have to do is lay low.
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But how low can they lay when Lydia is making moves on the sly? It turns out that Lydia hooked up with Walt’s former meth rivals to make the infamous, inferior meth of 68% purity. I don’t blame Lydia. I wouldn’t sell some weak ass meth on the street once streets have seen the caviar that Walt provided at one point. It’s a matter of class. So she sets them up to get shitted on by (surprise, surprise) Todd and his gang of neo nazi uncles. First, Lydia sets them up by checking out their meth lab (located in a buried bus in the desert) and telling them that it’s not up to par…..then Todd and family knocks them down. This scene was gorgeous. Firstly, after word of a disturbance outside the premises leads everyone but Lydia to leave the bus, Lydia crouches amid the sounds of gun shots, shell casings hitting the ground, and cooling fans. Then the really cute “Close your eyes and give me your hand while I lead you through this garden of corpses” thing that Todd was doing with Lydia. OMG my heart couldn’t take it. My future wifey has got to be down to go through a similar scenario like this. I just added it to my check list. Clearly, if Lydia is not going to get Heisenberg on her squad, she’ll go to extreme means in order to get what she wants. She clearly doesn’t give a shit right now. I mean, she wore a pair of Louboutins knowing that she was walking into a war zone.
Even though females dominated this episode, let’s not forget that the episode ends with the two guys that Heisenberg has essentially emasculated on his way to the top: Hank and Jesse. You see, Jesse got arrested for…..well, y’know……being Jesse. He’s unresponsive to questioning from some wack ass detectives when Hank finds out about this and realizes that this might be his chance to get back at Walt. The episode ends with Hank going into the interrogation room and the door closing on us. We wait with bated breath. Honestly, two dudes with their balls cut off are still two dudes but no balls. They may team up and cause a bit of ruckus but they are only going to mess shit up for themselves and everyone else in the end. That’s how the equation works.
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I should have ended last week’s recap post with my thoughts on how the show is going to end. Well, here goes: EVERYONE DIES. Well, maybe not everyone. I can see Walt surviving and counting down the days to cancer taking his life. However, everyone that is/was close to him will die. Skyler, Jesse, Walt Jr, Hank, baby Holly……yeah, I’m including you and your annoying ass crying, Baby Holly. Throughout the series, Walt has been fighting the cancer that has been trying to take his life. However, he doesn’t realize how he has become a cancer that has metastasized and is now effecting everyone around him and will bring about their end. Hunky dory, right?
By the ways:
-When Kuby and Huell decided to chill on the bed of money, didn’t it remind you of this:

Yeah….me too.
-I see you Belize Tourism Board…..I see you:
Hey @deanjnorris, not so nice what @mrbobodenkirk suggested last night. We’d love to have U for an actual trip anytime. #breakingbad #belize
— Belize Tourism Board (@belizevacation) August 19, 2013
-Most underrated moment of the episode:

WTF IS THAT ON HIS FACE?!?! Is it alive?! How come no one is talking about this? As soon as this scene happened last night, me and my friends that I watched the episode with couldn’t believe what was going on before their very eyes. I don’t think we’ll truly understand the significance of this mustache until the finale. I feel like Vince Gilligan does things for a reason. Maybe this guy is the male facial hair equivalent of Rapunzel and will help “pull” Hank out of a jam later on this season?
-Breaking Bad Tumblr memes of the moment: