In example 325,384,314 of why professional athletes and famous people alike should just stay off social media, Cleveland Browns WR Davone Bess tweeted a picture today of what looks like a glass of alcohol, a bag of weed, a blunt, and some more marijuana sprawled across the table. Obviously he deleted it quickly, but not before TSB informant @Hey_its_Don could snag a screen shot (the same @Hey_its_Don who took a screen shot of the Kirk Gimenez tweet). Check out the tweet and photo after the jump:
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Ironic that Don would be the one to send me this screen-grab of Davone Bess’ “We da real dons!” tweet.
I was hoping for Bess’ sake that he was in Washington or Colorado, but the timestamp clearly shows the WR was in Plantation, FL, where recreational marijuana use is not legal. The Cleveland Browns are reportedly investigating the tweet, and you can imagine there will be some backlash from the NFL for this one.
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When will famous people learn? Just stay off social media, period. Let your PR people handle that stuff.