Make no bones about it. The Donald Sterling situation is messed up and is a black eye on the league. Thankfully, there is the internet and on the internet, you can make light of anything. That’s why I’ve decided to collect some memes and gifs of the Donald Sterling incident and break down what I liked or disliked about them. Onward, march!
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– This is my least favorite meme. I’m no trying to have an image of Donald Sterling’s decrepit toenails in splintered into my brain. It’s not necessary. Also, c’mon, Donald Sterling is not cutting his own toenails. NEXT!
– You’re wrong for this one, internets. JUST DAMN WRONG.
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– Ahahahaha Donald Sterling is the real life equivalent of Calvin Candie, eh? This would be awesome if didn’t have to imagine V. Stiviano as Django/the protagonist.
– Honestly, I’m afraid to talk to any woman on the phone anymore.
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– Magic stays winning at life. There aren’t too many people who are just unfuckwittable on this planet but I feel like Magic is in that select group.
– I get it but it would have resonated with me more if I watch Scandal.

– Oh, hell yeah. Game of Thrones is one of the hottest shows on television and why not commemorate peacing out Donald Sterling by depicting it in one of the most jaw dropping scenes in the show’s history. My one beef with this meme is that Ned Stark was a hero with honor that eventually became a victim and in no shape, form, or fashion should Sterling be interpreted in that way.

– Bwahahahahahahaha. We all know how bad the Pacers have been playing. This one is a like a double whammy. Love it.

– MY. GOD. This is the perfect Adam Silver/Donald Sterling meme/gif. If you are too young to remember or not well versed in the annals of basketball, this gif is of Game 1 of the 2001 NBA Finals where Allen Iverson crossed up Tyrone Lue and then walked over him. AI practically eviscerated Tyrone Lue. That is what Adam Silver did to Donald Sterling on Monday. That’s why this gif is the winner of the Donald Sterling Meme Wars.

– He shoots, he scores!
– This is the Seinfeld/Donald Sterling mashup video that Adult Swim made. I’m pretty sure George Costanza’s reaction would coincide with any normal person’s reaction to working for Donald Sterling. Right