The reigning NBA Finals MVP Andre Iguodala took exception to a report that stated Steve Kerr doesn’t anticipate him starting for the Warriors next season. Check out his Twitter retweet/reply after the jump:
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Iggy stepped up big in the NBA Finals, and was arguably the most important piece in the Warriors’ puzzle to shutting down LeBron James and the Cavaliers. LeBron still went off, but his supporting cast of misfits and Knicks rejects were no match for the well-balanced Golden State Warriors. To think the reigning NBA Finals MVP hasn’t earned a starting spot in the rotation is a little absurd, but I understand where Steve Kerr is coming from. Golden State is loaded with young talent, and it makes more sense to let those players develop than to give an aging veteran his due.
Perhaps the tweet was in jest, but if Andre Iguodala really wants out of Golden State in order to get more playing time, he may want to think twice. The Warriors are poised to take another run at the NBA Championship this season (if they can get past the juggernaut Spurs in the West), and his best chance to acquire more rings would arguably be to stay put.
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It seems Iggy is in a comedic mood this evening. He followed up that tweet with some hilarity:
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Those zingers came after this tweet, explaining he’s not going anywhere: