Sometimes, for whatever reason, you may want to avail yourself of a random NBA team generator.
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Whether you want to input a list of NBA team names into a generator in order to create a fantasy playoff or you just want to have some fun trying to figure out who’s going to come out on top this season, you’re in luck; there are tons of random NBA team generators out there to choose from.
So many, in fact, that it can be difficult to know which ones you should use. Generally, you can’t go wrong with a random NBA team generator; they’re all pretty simple software.
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However, to help you on your way, we’ve put together a guide that should give you a good start in this straightforward yet somehow often confusing world. Here are the 10 best random NBA team generators out there.

It doesn’t get much simpler than this. On’s NBA team generator, you’ll be instantly presented with a list of as many NBA teams as you like; you can set your parameters however you want.
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If you like, you can also ask the generator to provide MLB teams, Premier League football teams, and other sporting datasets. You can dictate how many teams you want to see, and you can even allow for duplicates if you want to.

This random NBA team generator presents each team’s name as a wheel, so you can have a fun time spinning the wheel to see which team it lands on.
You can then choose to either resume spinning the wheel or eliminate the team you’ve landed on, making this generator perfect for party games where you’re trying to determine who’s going to win the playoffs, for instance.

Just like RandomLists, GetRandomThings is a great random NBA team generator that lets you input how many teams you want to see manually. There’s a box in which you can input the number of teams, as well as a checkbox for uniqueness.
Once you’ve generated your team list (which also comes complete with snazzy logos), you can copy that list, clear it, or generate an entirely new one. Simplicity itself, right?

Not only does provide a great NBA team generator, but it also handily details what the NBA is and why you should care if you’re a sporting fan, which could be handy to help you explain the NBA to a basketball agnostic.
As with other options on this list, gives you the chance to generate a list of the best NBA teams (although it is entirely randomly chosen), and you can input whatever number you want to get as many teams as you like.

Like Wordwall,’s random NBA team generator facility is presented in the form of a wheel (as you’ve probably guessed from the website’s name), which makes it a little easier to see what you’re doing.
You can tap to spin the wheel, which has a snazzy basketball icon in the middle, and once you’ve done so, the wheel will stop on a random NBA team for you. It’s as simple as that!
6. Space Bar Counter

Struggling to figure out which NBA team you want to support? Just getting into basketball and don’t know where you should begin? Space Bar Counter is very much the random NBA team generator for you.
Unlike other options on this list, this generator only picks a single team, but it can be a good option when that’s all you need, especially given its simple design and lack of frills.
7. Generator Mix

Yep, you guessed it – this is another great random NBA team generator that should fulfil all of your random basketball needs. Simply input the number of teams you want and hit “Generate”, and you’ll get a list quickly.
That list will come complete with logos for each team, and the site chooses from all of the major NBA teams, so you don’t need to worry about your favourite being left out in the cold (if, indeed, you have a favourite).
8. Random List Generator

The name says it all, right? Random List Generator will help you to randomly generate a list of NBA teams, but it doesn’t stop there; this is definitely the list generator for the ardent basketball fan or enthusiast.
This site doesn’t just generate NBA teams; it also gives you some information about the city they’re from, which state that city is in, and what the team’s venue is. Let it never be said that these aren’t useful and informative websites on top of being handy NBA team generators!
9. Code Beautify

Arguably, Code Beautify’s NBA team generator is even better than its competitors (although, again, it depends entirely on what you’re after). It’s not quite as simple as the others, but it’s richer for it.
You can choose between 5, 10, 15, or a custom amount of teams, or you could even switch it up and go for a random list figure if you want to be unpredictable. Info on all the major teams is also provided here.
10. Wheelspinner

Here’s another great wheel-based random NBA team generator site. Using Wheelspinner, you can get a list of all the major NBA teams, which are then handily presented to you with a handful of different colours.