Yes sir we promised you a great match”
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WWE Raw was live from Montreal, highlighted by the return of Bret “the Hitman” Hart.
Allow me to join D-Generation X and break it down.
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Quick Results:
Luke Harper and Eric Rowan def. Jimmy and Jey Uso by pinfall
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Alecia Fox vs Nikki Bella ends in a no contest in a One Armed Match
Russev w/Lana def. Rob Van Dam by submission
Randy Orton def. Dean Ambrose by pinfall
Alberto Del Rio def. Dolph Ziggler by pinfall
Sheamus def. Damien Sandow by pinfall
Chris Jericho def. The Miz by pinfall
Paige and AJ Lee def. The Funkadactyls
Kofi Kingston def. Cesaro w/Paul Heyman by pinfall
Bo Dallas def. El Torito by pinfall
John Cena vs Seth Rollins ended in a No Contest
Raw finally opened without either Stephanie McMahon or her “doofus” husband. Instead we got a promo from Roman Reigns and his amazing no-look fist pound.
Source: Wrasslormonkey
Reigns is clearly not the best mic-worker yet, but he has time to improve. I was glad to see the WWE giving him mic time on air, that is the only way he will get better. I did enjoy his little jab at John Cena to be honest.
Though he has not won a match in what seems to be years, the “Deamon” Kane came down to interrupt the promo and a few poor referees later, he was Superman punched by Reigns, ending the segment with Reigns coming out strong and once again, Kane loses. I don’t know how the WWE expects us to take him as a credible threat?
Next was the Usos vs the Wyatts, which always calls for a good match, but one we have seen too many times. Why not try mixing it up a little bit? Once they said it was a non-title match, it was fairly obvious the Wyatt Family would pull out the win. These two teams should collide again at Battleground and I think Harper and Rowand should take the titles home.
Source: Wrasslormonkey
A brief backstage segment between Orton, Kane and Seth Rollins hinted at some turmoil between Rollins and Orton. I like it. I do think it is VERY early in this storyline to have issues between the two, but I am not opposed to it. I would like to see Rollins continue to win, Orton continue to lose and some jealousy issues erupt between the two. Maybe one night HHH elects to use Rollins in a position of “need” over Orton and that sets Randy off. Keep a close monitor on these two. Oh yeah Kane was there too.
We then saw the One Armed Match between Alecia Fox and Nikki Bella. I had to re-arrange my sock drawer at the time of this match, so I must have missed it by accident? Who thought this segment would be a good idea? In positive news, Alecia Fox actually draws decent heat for a Diva. I am beginning to become more and more impressed by her.
Source: Wrasslormonkey
Next was Russev vs Rob Van Dam with Russev going over. I was waiting for Jack Swagger to interrupt the match in some way but I was shocked by his absence. For the first time in Swagger’s disappointing WWE career, was super-over last week and had the entire crowd chanting “Lets Go Swagger” but was not used on Raw at all this week? Can’t make it up.
Remember this from last week WWE Creative???
Side note: Is it me or were there ALOT of matches on this week’s episode of Raw? I am in no way complaining, but I am much more used to complaining about boring backstage segments than talking about actual wrestling!
Source: Wrasslormonkey
Let me say this before write more: I Love Dean Ambrose.
I had a feeling that Orton would go over Ambrose here, but I was happy to see him look strong in his loss. I do find Ambrose’s slap-happy offense kinda annoying, but it fits his character well.
Orton did get an impressive win and this helps to keep his position as one of the top stars in the WWE. I am not really sure what the WWE has planned for Orton next. I think his ship has sailed when it comes to him ever becoming a bigger star than he is now. Orton has had a very good WWE career, but I think I still find myself disappointed as a whole.
After Roman Reigns threatened John Cena again during his interview with Renee Young, it was time for Dolph Ziggler vs Alberto Del Rio.
I guess they are sticking with the love square between Layla, Fandango, Dolph Ziggler and Summer Rae, as Fandango was out on commentary.
Del Rio picked up the win after Fandango distracted Ziggler, I would think we will see a mixed-tag match at Battleground. I like it, good to see Fandango getting some meaningful TV time, but Ziggler should get the win in this feud.
Source: Wrasslormonkey
Poor Damian Sandow. The guy won the Money in the Bank match last year and look where he is now. It reminds me of the Heath Slater gimmick before the 1000th Raw, where he would lose to a different legend every week. He comes out and imitates Bret Hart during his segment, only to get squashed by Sheamus.
Sandow has great talent and pulls his gimmick off so well. I don’t understand (similar to Ziggler) what the WWE has against him.
His match was next!
I was never a big fan of the Miz, but I love this new movie star gimmick! “Do you know how many assistants I have?” I did also like how he sold getting hit in the face way too much, well done.
Jericho was obviously going over here and I do like the idea of him feuding with Wyatt. After losing the Cena feud pretty convincingly, Jericho should give him a good “rub” by putting him over and the two of them should put on some great matches.
Paige vs AJ Lee will be the match that many WWE fans have wanted since Paige was the NXT Champion. We did’t get to see that just yet, but we did see them tag together!
My brain did also almost explode from two Divas matches in one night.
The main story out of this match was the official breakup of Cameron and Naomi. It has been teased for weeks, but they finally did it! I can see this match being Battleground Pre-Show material with Naomi going over. She was planned to win the WWE Divas title in the past, so I think the WWE will continue her build-up.
Source: Wrasslormonkey
I do think Cesaro has lost a good amount of steam since joining Paul Heyman. I thought it would be a great idea and would the Swiss Superman climb higher in the WWE ranks, but something about the pair just doesn’t click…starting with Cesaro’s AWFUL theme music. It just sucks.
He lost again to Kofi Kingston via roll-up only to attack him and then we see Big E (no Langston) make the save for Kofi. Are we seeing the formation of another minority WWE tag team? I wonder who the WWE would pair with Cesaro in a tag match between those two? I really have no idea?
Not only am I a fan of Dean Ambrose, but I also Bo-Lieve! The Bo Dallas character is not only hilariously funny, but can be taken seriously at the same time. I like that they had him interrupt Daniel Bryan at Money in the Bank, but enough with dealing with jobbers. Put him in a meaningful feud soon or have him win the Intercontinental Title Battle Royal through the power of Bo-Lieving.
Amazing comedy.
Then came time for John Cena vs Seth Rollins.
Your Main Event
If anyone expected a clean finish, you really need to watch more wrestling. In a very predictable outcome, Orton and Kane came out to disrupt the main event. Something even more predictable was Kane getting absolutely $#!* on again. He was destroyed by Roman Reigns twice, who also took out Randy Orton once.
After Reigns left, Rollins tried to cash in his briefcase on Cena and shockingly enough, Ambrose “came out of nowhere” and stopped Rollins’ cash in as the two brawled up the ramp.
The end of the show left Cena and Reigns standing tall, but Reigns was clearly the star of tonight’s Raw. The ending picture of Cena and Reigns was clearly the current and the future top baby-faces of the company and it was cool to see.
I think Reigns can do it. He has the look and he will continue to improve in the ring and on the mic and this Raw was a preview of what is to come.
Thanks for reading! Sean should be back next week to take over the recap for those who missed him this week.
Feel free to follow me on twitter @J_Cioffi.